Friday, April 25, 2008

The Continuing Saga of the '55 Chevy Restoration

I went to see my car in progress last weekend. The restoration guy says I should have it back before August. That remains to be seen... Here's the front end. The firewall is painted and the engine has been installed for about 4.5 years! Other pictures I took turned out too dark.

Here's the front "clip" in front of the engine; it's still in primer and that's the steering column in the middle.

Here are the painted hubcaps, the back seat armrests, complete with their little ash trays, and in the background is the back seat with the trunk lid on top of it. Remember how Dad drilled holes to attach that cargo carrier on the back for our trip to Ohio? All those holes are filled and the remaining holes are to attach the trim and emblems on the trunk. Now that I have a V-8 engine, I get the little V trim emblem under the taillights! How cool is that!?!


Chuckbert said...

BobBIE's back! Yay!

Good luck getting your car back in August. Sorry that your wish to have it back before your 55 didn't happen.

Poss said...

maybe it will be back before Chuck's 55 which is the coolest.

Shoe said...

So great to see it! Even in parts! It is going to be soooo cool to drive that baby!

RetroMag said...

It's lookin' good! I sure hope he comes through and gets it to you by August!

BobbieS53 said...

I can't wait! I was already thinking of putting the Chihuahua bobbing-head in the back deck and my fuzzy dice hanging from the rear view mirror and keeping it OH.SO.CHERRY with the car cover (all of these wonderful things from Mikey...) in our big garage when it is finally finished!

P-Doobie said...

Eeeee! Can I go cruising? Are you going to show it at car shows?