Friday, March 14, 2008

Grade School Shop Projects

Chuckie's post on shop projects in grade school made me go look for my pins. I must have been a genius! Maybe I should have pursued a career in jewelry making...


Chuckbert said...

Maybe you'll take up jewelry making in your retirement (and take it further than our father's jewelry making retirement activity).

Your project's results look a lot better than mine (I think I didn't even decorated my mask beyond a plain coat of paint).

Shoe said...

Very talented!

I'm really glad that we had the resources in elementary school to dabble in so many art forms! I remember making candles in art class by dipping tapers into coffee cans of different colored melted waxes....would they do that today? NO WAY! Power tools in shop class in 5th grade....ha! Can you imagine insuring that in 2008?

We were so lucky!

Beatiful pins, BobBIE!

Anonymous said...

Of course, even Los Alamos reduced the opportunities for learning. Peg and I started having shop classes in the second grade, When Bobbie followed in the second grade, shop started in the third. Then when Bobbie got to the third, shop started in the 4th grade. Did you get to go to shop in the 4th grade? I have my second grade airplane and hot rod here. I'll get them up on my blog soon.poss

Anonymous said...

Very good work, BobBIE! I don't recall ever seeing them before, but you know my memory (lack of, that is). What grade were you in when you made them?

P-Doobie said...

I remember Mr. Paul, the shop teacher, stalking around with a yardstick and whacking it on the shop tables with enough force that it sounded like a rifle shot. "Wake up, grandma!" he'd yell.

We had a choice of making a wooden boat or an airplane for our first projects in second grade. Mr. Paul said that an airplane was the harder project, so I chose it. We filed and sanded the blanks until Mr. Paul was satisfied with our work. One of the girls sanded her boat very well and said, "Feel how soft this is!" I said, "It's not soft. It's smooth." Even at age seven, I was an editor.

When the time came to paint our projects, all the girls wanted to paint their boats pink and blue. Pink and blue? Did I not get the painting memo that day? I thought briefly about following the herd, but then I said, "Black and yellow." I think Mr. Paul was happy about my choice.

Shoe said...

When do we get to see a picture of your boat, p-doobie?

Hint: Look for "Create Blog" button on upper right corner.