Friday, March 7, 2008

TheDay After

I shot these pictures earlier after the sun came up. They are still a little dark. There's a Thursday and today shot of the horse pen and others around the yard. The one looking back towards the little house from the barn shows the snow hanging off the edge of the roof from yesterday's melting it.


Anonymous said...

Poss said...

We just got wind. The east mountains got a bunch and lots of people were late for work. We had a smooth ride with a sweet engineer.
I'm not missing shoveling.

Chuckbert said...

It looks like watching the snow slide off your metal roofs would be fun. Do you get icicles? Don't stand beneath those!

Poss said...

Is there still snow on the ground? Way warm down here this weekend.qq

BobbieS53 said...

A lot of the snow is already melted. I'll try to remember to take some more pictures when I get home. Right in front of the horse feeders is ice!