Saturday, February 28, 2009

There's a Reason...

...that Ms. Izzy is so happy to have a KitchenAid stand mixer:

With the bowl:

and freshly made bread:

I boo-booed on the bread. It was supposed to be whole wheat, but when I started making it, I immediately measured out mostly white flour and only about a third was whole wheat. I bet it tastes good. We'll find out when it cools.


MrBears said...

You can wait that long?

Chuckbert said...

Oooooh! You got the Big Bertha model! Congratulations!

Oh, and look, the cover for the attachment hub is attached to the mixer. No worries about misplacing that!

Oops! I suggested that this weekend was going to be bread making time for me. I guess I still have tomorrow.

Shoe said...

She's a beauty! Congratulations!

The bread looks so purty!

Chuckbert, the day is young! Go for it!

RetroMag said...

That bread looks scrumptious. How did it taste?

And the macine is good-looking too!