Saturday, February 23, 2008

Josh the Baseball Coach

Some of you may (or may not) know that Josh is the hitting coach at New Mexico Junior College in Hobbs, NM. You can read all about the baseball program under Athletics:

(you may have to copy and paste...I don't know if the links are automatic).

There are some pictures of him at the web page under Baseball Field Dedication. I was unsure about putting the links to them here...but he's on the fifth page of photos in the third row. You can also see him coaching first base in the background of some of the hitters. So far they are undefeated (8-0) with games today and tomorrow. Check him out! (and tell me how to post those pictures here...)

Friday, February 22, 2008

Jack is retired, you know, so this is what he looks like most of the time. Just kidding. Everyone asks if I leave him "Honey-Dos" and if he has supper waiting for me when I get home. He knows what to do. He's always been good at laundry, cleaning house, taking care of vehicles and the yard stuff. I guess I can do cooking...
OK Guys, I'm going to try this blog stuff. I hope that I can find things of interest to put here. Upward and outward...